As a music teacher, I search high and low for tools to make learning fun. This app is one of the best tools I have ever had. I have been using it already in just the last few days with my elementary age students, with great success. This program is simple, easy to figure out, and extremely effective. The students are a little resistant to using it at first, because they know it is supposed to help them learn. But after the first few "races," they are hooked and really enjoy playing the game. This app gets even better though: the videos are fantastic. For instance, I could not ask for a better video for teaching how to read guide notes. The only improvement I could possibly ask for in this app is an additional game that allows students to press a key on the keyboard that corresponds to the note they are reading. But as far as learning just the names of the notes goes, this app is perfect.
Piano Teacher Suzanne about
Flashnote Derby